
If you would like to see more Green Party candidates standing and getting elected in East Herts, please consider setting up a small monthly Standing Order. 50 people, donating £5 per month, would be a great help in providing sufficient funds to stand candidates locally in forthcoming elections.

All of our donation options can be seen below.

However you help, financially or practical help, it is always very gratefully accepted and put to good use, furthering the cause of Green Party policies in the area.

Bank Transfer or Standing Order

If you use internet banking, it should be possible to set up a monthly standing order (for whatever amount you wish to contribute) or a one-off transfer to our account, using the following details:

Account name: East Herts Green Party
Account No: 65773068
Sort Code: 08-92-99


You can donate to us via Paypal (one-off or monthly):


Please contact us for details of how to send a cheque.

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