Hertford Councillors on the District Council’s ‘Call for Sites’

A message to Castle Ward residents from Green Councillors Rachel Carter and Sarah Hopewell.

Like us, you may have seen a letter recently from a Conservative town councillor about the District Council’s ‘Call for Sites’ and how that might impact the land to the East of Queen’s Road and another South of Hornsmill Road.

We know that the letter, which contained some inaccuracies, has sparked confusion and worry amongst residents. This letter is to give you accurate information.

Green Councillors Rachel Carter and Sarah Hopewell

what’s happening?

The Labour government has set high house-building targets for the UK, requiring East Herts District Council to build 1,328 new homes a year. It’s a huge number and as Green Councillors we want them to be in the most suitable places possible.

East Herts has a ‘District Plan’ – this sets a vision for our area, including opportunities for housing, community facilities, infrastructure and conserving the natural environment. Without a strong up-to-date District Plan, it’s hard for councils to reject speculative development proposals. Sites not in the plan may still be subject to planning applications but having an up-to-date plan makes it easier to reject unsuitable planning applications.

In preparation for updating our District Plan there has been a ‘Call for Sites,’ where landowners propose areas for housing, biodiversity net gain or uses such as solar farms. All suggested sites are assessed against strict criteria, and many will not be suitable.

When the District Plan was last updated, in 2018, only 18 sites were chosen from the 288 proposed. This year, 283 sites were submitted, including one to the East of Queen’s Road and another South of Hornsmill Road. Both sites were proposed in 2018 and rejected.

speaking up for you

We know this area matters to you as it does to us. As Greens, our party isn’t funded by developers so you can trust us to listen to your concerns, remain independent and speak up at every opportunity.

Best wishes,

Rachel Carter and Sarah Hopewell

Rachel Carter and Sarah Hopewell, your Castle Green Town and District Councillors

please get in touch

Please get in touch to let us know any concerns you have. We will ensure any issues are raised quickly. We’re always happy to meet face to face if you’d prefer.

Email us on: info@eastherts.greenparty.org.uk

We’re currently working with residents on the Castle Plus Neighbourhood Plan which looks in detail at all of our beloved green spaces and defines how they can be protected. Please let us know if you’d like to be involved.

For more information on the ‘Call for Sites’ check out the information on the East Herts District Council website.

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