Green Councillors and Candidate in Bengeo share their disappointment and frustration as the Bengeo HERT4 development gets the go ahead

Green Councillors and Candidate in Bengeo shared their disappointment and frustration on Thursday 19th September that the HERT4 development has received approval to go ahead. Three Bengeo Green Councillors argued against the plan to build an additional 118 homes on Bengeo Field at a meeting of the EHDC Development Management Council (DMC) on Wednesday 18th September, joining numerous residents who also raised their concerns about the development. Robert Beahan, who’s standing to be a Green Councillor in Bengeo, also shared his sadness and disappointment that such a beautiful and well-loved part of Bengeo’s countryside is going to be lost.

At the DMC meeting, Bengeo North Town, District and County Councillor Ben Crystall raised concerns that the HERT4 development wasn’t truly sustainable in terms of transportation. He argued that while development should be “located to enable sustainable journeys to be made to reach key services and facilities”, many in the community have serious doubts over whether this was the case. He pointed out that the majority of services and facilities for HERT4 residents – shops and supermarkets, doctors and dentist surgeries – are in the town centre, about 1.5 km away, at the bottom of a steep hill with insufficient bus services and safety issues for cyclists. 

Bengeo North Town and District Councillor Alex Daar argued that if the District Plan is the decision document that must be obeyed then the wording about mineral extraction first must be followed to the letter.  The Inspector who approved the District Plan did so in the expectation quarrying would happen first. The Neighbourhood Plan which values the views also carries weight in planning.  In these respects the arguments formed in previous democratic forums have not been followed.  She questioned whether these were the kind of houses needed by local people as proposed by the developer and said the proposed tree planting would not prevent the damage to the wonderful views from either end of the field so praised by the Secretary of State in the quarry decision for the beauty of the whole field, not just part of it.

Bengeo North Town and District Councillor Vicky Smith argued that there was considerable risk of water contamination if the development goes ahead, referencing multiple reports that raised concerns about risks of  infrastructure failure and the potential for groundwater contamination. She urged the committee to refuse the application, saying that our community’s health and environmental safety must remain a priority.

On Thursday 19th September, the three councillors and the Green Town Council candidate responded to the decision to allow the development to go ahead.

Bengeo North Town, District and County Councillor Ben Crystall said:

“Like many residents, I’m deeply frustrated that we’re locked in a planning system that relies completely on organisations like the Environment Agency to protect us but that are so hollowed out they can’t even properly look at the evidence in front of them. It’s similar with infrastructure providers like Thames Water – we are forced to accept the word of for-profit organisations which have failed us all time and again. The only thing that cheers me up is the incredible tenacity and skills of the Bengeo community – the list of their planning objections in the officers report was staggering – it also listed out the 90 or so streets where people had stepped up to complain- pretty much the whole of our area… amazing.”

Bengeo North Town and District Councillor Alex Daar said:

“Bengeo Field is my ‘go to place’ for improving my mood and mental health. I have been involved in the fight to save it since the last quarry campaign and the development of the Neighbourhood Plan for Bengeo. I know how hard everyone has fought because we all love this field and its views so much. Our community spirit is vast and I feel we will continue to work together to make Bengeo the best place it can be for all the people living in it.”

Bengeo North Town and District Councillor Vicky Smith said:

“I am deeply disappointed that we have lost this precious green space to a development that raised so many questions and concerns. The community spirit of Bengeo has shown through over the last few years as residents have worked together to fight this inappropriate application. And I thank everyone who has taken the time to join in the fight for Bengeo Field.”

Bengeo North Town Council Green Candidate Robert Beahan said:

“I’m so sad and disappointed that the Bengeo Field development is going ahead. It’s such a beautiful space that holds a special place in my heart and I know in the hearts of many residents in Bengeo and it’s just so frustrating to see yet another piece of our countryside being built on. I was incredibly impressed with the arguments put forward by the residents at East Herts Council’s Development Management Committee and felt proud to stand alongside the three Green Bengeo councillors as they argued against the development. If I’m elected today as a Bengeo North Hertford Town Councillor I will do everything I can to continue to share residents’ views and hold the local planning authority to account on their behalf.”

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