200 Days in Office


It’s 200 days since Green Party Councillors took control at Ware and Hertford Town Councils, and became the largest party on East Herts District Council. On December 3rd, 2023, East Herts Green Councillors marked the milestone, which followed the historic election in May when East Herts Green Party was one of the most successful in the country.

Here they reflect on their achievements and early successes for East Herts District, Hertford Town and Ware Town Council.

Councillor Ben Crystall, Leader of East Herts District Council, said:

“I’m thrilled at how much we’ve achieved in just 200 days. Our Councillors hit the ground running, have responded positively to many hundreds of queries and messages from residents, and are now working hard to deliver genuine change for East Herts. And while our team is also facing up to some huge challenges, we are determined to be open, honest and to continue our efforts to listen to the community. That’s how we’ll deliver positive change.” 

Councillor Vicky Smith, Leader of Hertford Town Council and Mayor, said:

“I’ve been so impressed with how our Green Councillors are driving forward changes and improvements for our town in such a dynamic way. I’m really proud of how the team of councillors and officers all work together so well for the benefit of our residents and I’m excited about what the future holds.”

Councillor Thomas Day, Leader of Ware Town Council and Mayor, said:

“Since gaining a majority on Ware Town Council in May, my colleagues and I have been speaking to residents and working hard to help them with the issues affecting their daily lives. As a council we want to be an advocate for the town; its residents, the many community organisations and its vibrant and diverse independent business community.”

East Herts District Council Top 10 Achievements over the first 200 days:

  • Launched ‘Thriving Together’, a new plan for how we will work with residents and community groups to tackle critical issues such as isolation and loneliness and help increase community wellbeing.
  • Approved a critical Climate Emergency motion laying out an accelerated path to net-zero emissions, cleaner air and an improved environment for all.
  • Distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of UK shared prosperity funds, ensuring that the money is being shared effectively around the district to boost small businesses and town and parish councils.
  • Launched a trial to rejuvenate town markets – starting in Hertford and hopefully rolling out across the District as a way to support thriving town centres.
  • Developed a plan to reshape parking, starting in Bishop’s Stortford (and including real-time parking-availability displays) to help reduce congestion, improve air quality and make town centres even more attractive for shoppers.
  • Campaigned successfully against train station ticket office closures, a proposal that was subsequently dropped by rail companies.
  • Launched District-wide campaigns including ‘Breathe Clean’ that highlights simple actions we can all take to reduce and protect ourselves from air pollution, and the ‘Worth Saving’ initiative to cut food waste and save residents money.
  • Relaunched ‘Solar Together’ – a group-buying scheme that gives residents a good deal on new solar panels and batteries for their homes.
  • Kicked off a consultation on a new Air Quality Action Plan to reduce air pollution and improve resident health.
  • Set out a new strategy to improve the way the council listens to and consults with the community, to help us make better decisions and form a stronger partnership with residents.

Hertford Town Council Top 10 Highlights over the first 200 days

  • Awarded grants to multiple charities, including CHIPS, Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association and St Andrew’s Church, and held several fundraising events, including a food-tasting evening in collaboration with Mudlarks, Christmas wreath making and a Castle Open Day.
  • Built on the adoption of the Climate Emergency motion in July, by examining ways to make all of the council’s operations sustainable and carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Implemented new Christmas lights for Hertford and organised the popular Christmas Market.
  • Consulted with Cromwell Road allotment holders and residents to explore access arrangements and provide opportunities to feedback on next steps.
  • Took the decision to phase out the use of pesticides on allotments to protect our rivers and local wildlife such as newts, grass snakes and slow worms.
  • Set objectives for the new Administration, centred around making Hertford more vibrant, green and inclusive.
  • Undertook a thorough review of council finances to set budgets for the new financial year in April 2024 with a view to mitigating the impact of inflation on council spending.
  • Launched the Refill Revolution to encourage local businesses in Hertford to cut plastic pollution.
  • Held multiple councillor surgeries in all of Hertford’s town wards to strengthen resident engagement and provide opportunities for community feedback.
  • The Mayor, Vicky Smith, has attended numerous events including Remembrance Sunday, HDOS productions and the Hertfordshire Festival of Music plus she has visited multiple schools, Scout and Brownie groups.

Ware Town Council Top 10 Highlights over the first 200 days

  • Focused on engagement with the community by establishing a regular presence at the monthly market in Tudor Square and attending meetings of community group Local Social.
  • Adopted the Neighbourhood Plan following the overwhelming positive result in the referendum, to ensure the residents of Ware have a say in any future planned developments within Ware Town limits.
  • Improved the local environment and street scene with an extended deep clean of the town centre and a specialised clean of the Ware Memorial to ensure no long-lasting damage occurs to this important local monument.
  • Introduced a winter opening schedule for Ware Lido with special heated swimming event across the festive period and then cold-water swimming throughout January.
  • Implemented upgrades to Ware Skate Park to improve appearance and landscaping and agreed changes to Priory grounds to increase biodiversity with planting of mixed hedgerows.
  • Awarded multiple grants to charities including several local sports, community and support groups.
  • Ran a successful series of summer school holiday events and activities for all including the Ware Festival and Film nights.
  • Set ambitious targets for Ware Town Council to be carbon neutral by 2030 and implemented a policy of plastic and single-use reduction to minimise waste and environmental impact.
  • The Mayor, Thomas Day, has attended numerous events and hosted a fun quiz night in support of the Mayor’s Charity – Citizens Advice East Herts.
  • All councillors have been busy supporting their ward members to resolve problems including issues with flooding across parts of Ware, escalating building control concerns, ensuring the New River is cleared of summer sludge, promoting adoption of Swift boxes. They’ve also been out and about door-knocking to engage with and get feedback from the residents of Ware.

Councillors News Press Release

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