Statement about Hertford Market Motion

Our Green Hertford Town Councillors have put forward a motion in collaboration with the Lib Dems at the recent full Hertford Town Council.  We will be progressing the motion through the Development and Leisure committee on 28th Feb.

Hertford Greens believe that a revitalised Hertford Market can play an important role in improving the daytime economy of Hertford by encouraging more people to shop locally. We think that a strong market could bring the following benefits to Hertford:

  1. Hertford Market becomes an integral part of our shopping experience  
  2. The daytime trade of Hertford shops, pubs and restaurants is improved as more people come to Hertford
  3. The Hertford Market encourages social and community interaction 
  4. Hertford Market can provide a platform for non-commercial operations such as charities, clubs and societies 
  5. Hertford people increase their spend in Hertford 
  6. Hertford Market can facilitate space for small business start-ups
  7. Hertford Market can enhance its role as a place for affordable, quality products building on our excellent fruit and veg offering
  8. Hertford Market promotes environmental sustainability, demonstrating examples of best practice (eg recycling bins on hand!) 
  9. Hertford Market could integrate other street trading options adding to the vitality of the market (eg street musicians) 
  10. Hertford Market may encourage casual traders to become regular traders in permanent premises

What do you think? Please let us know. We would like to hear from shoppers, market traders, business starters; in fact everyone who may benefit from an invigorated Hertford Market.

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